Do You Need A Career Or A New Job?
Before making that leap, ascertain whether you are truly ready for a career change or whether what you actually need is a new job. If you decide what you really need is a new job, then you need to start on job searching path as outlined above. Start working on your CV, brush up on your interview skills and sign up woth as many recruiters/job boards as possible.
Although career change is possible and many people are able to successfully make that move,it can be a complicated and emotional process. So its important that you are sure you are ready for that change before making the move. Let’s look at 5 Signs It May Be Time For A Career Change
You Lack Motivation And Are Bored
Are your usual work standards slipping? Do you find it difficult to motivate yourself to perform tasks you used to enjoy and excel at? Are you now regularly late for work or worse, calling in ‘sick’? These are all indicators and show a worrying lack of motivation for your job. If you are constantly bored at work and find your usual works tasks unfulfilling , this is also a worrying sign.
Your Health/Mental Well Being Is Being Affected
Are you constantly stressed? Do you find it difficult to sleep? Constantly worrying? These are just a few of the ways stress can affect you physically, there are many more. Stress build up can have serious consequences for your long term health as well as impacting your work and family life. This can also be known as ‘career burnout‘ and is very dangerous for your overall health.
You Are Jealous Of Your Friends Careers
Do often find yourself looking at a friend’s career and thinking ‘I wish that was me’ ? Do you feel bitterness when others talk about their jobs and how fulfilled and happy they are with them? These are sure signs that you are ready for a different path. That jealousy you will feel when a friends talks about their career shows that you are unhappy and ready to move. It maybe that you want to move into that specific industry. However the important thing to acknowledge is that it’s time for a change.
You Are Only There To Pay The Bills
When people ask about your job and you always answer “It pays the bills”, then this is a worrying sign. Money cannot fully make up for a lack of motivation and passion for your work.
Your Confidence and Self Esteem Is Affected
Does your job affect your self esteem? Do you feel that you are not accomplished enough or that you are a failure? If your career is making you feel bad about yourself and question your skills and capabilities, it maybe time for a change.